Index Properties:
- These are the properties useful for classification and identification of soils.
- Also give rough estimation of Engineering properties of soils.
- Example: Particle size distribution and relative density for coarse grained soils and consistency limits for fine grained soils.
Engineering Properties:
- These are the properties useful for engineering applications.
- Examples: Permeability, Compressibility and shear strength.
Shape of Particles: Engineering
properties of coarse grained soil depends on shape of
Particle size
- Sieve analysis is used for coarse grained soils.
- Wet sieve analysis is suitable if soil contains fines.
- Sedimentation analysis or wet analysis is used for fine grained soils, finer than 75 micron , size.
- Sedimentation analysis is based on Stoke’s law.
- Stoke’s law is valid only if the size of the particle is between 0.2mm and O.2 micron.
- Pipette method is the standard sedimentation method used in laboratory. It is an accurate method.
- Dispersion solution containing 33g of the sodium hexametaphosphate and 7g. of sodium carbonate in distilled water to make one litre of solution.
- The process of removal organic matter and calcium compounds is known as pre treatment.
The hydrometer method of sedimentation analysis differs from the pipette analysis in the method of taking observations only.
>>Approximate version
of Stroke’s Law, vs= 900 d2
- V velocity, in mm/sec
- d = Diameter of particle, in mm.
Corrections to
hydrometer reading:
- Meniscus correction Cm is always positive.
- Dispersing agent correction Cd is always negative.
- Temperature correction is positive when greater than 27°C and negative when less than 27°C.
- The hydrometer readings increase on the downward direction towards the hydrometer bulb.
- Reading is taken corresponding to the upper level of the meniscus.
Particle size distribution curve :
Particle size
distribution curve : It gives an idea about type of
soil and gradation of soil.
- Well graded soil: Soil contains good representation of particles of all sizes.
- Gap graded soil: Excess of certain particles and deficiency of others. cr
- Uniformly grades soil: Most of the particles are of the same size.
- For coarse grained soils sizes D10, D30 and D60 are important.
Effective size (or)
effective diameter (D10): Expressed in ‘mm’ It
means, only 10% of particles are finer
than this size.
Coefficient of
uniformity(Cu): D60 / D10
- It is a measure of particle size range. It is always greater than or equal to 1.
- A soil is called uniformly graded if Cu lies between 1 and 2.
- For a well graded gravel, C must be greater than 4.
- Where as for a well graded sand, Cu must be greater than 6.
Coefficient of
curvature (Cc):
- It represents shape of particle size curve.
- For well grades soils, C lies between 1 and 3.
- For uniformly graded soils, C = 1.
Relative density
(or) Density index (ID)):
- Most important for coarse grained soils.
- Indicates relative compactness of soils.
- emax = Max.void ratio (in loosest state)
- emin = Min. void ratio (in densest state)
- e = natural void ratio
- Range in %age 0 ≤ ID ≤ 100.
Limits of
consistency (Atterberg'S limits) :
- Mostly used for fine grained soils.
- Atterberg divided the entire range from liquid to solid state into four stages.
- Liquid state
- Plastic state
- Semisolid state
- Solid state.
- Atterberg limits are the water contents at which soil mass passes from one state to the next.
- It is the minimum water content at which the soil is still in the liquid state, but has a small shearing strength against flowing.
- It is the minimum water content at which part of a soil cut by a groove of standard dimensions will flow together for a distance of 12mm under an impact of 25 blows in the device.
Casa grand’s apparatus is used to determine
liquid limit.
Flow Curve:
- Flow curve gives an idea of shear strength variation with water content of the soil.
- Soil passing through 424 micron IS sieve is used for the test.
- The drop of the cup on hard base is 1 cm.
- The shear strength õf the soil at liquid limit is about 2.7 kN/m2
Plastic Limit (Wp): It is the minimum water content
at which the soil can be rolled into a thread
of 3 mm in diameter without crumbling. It is
determined by Plastic limit test or ‘Thread Test’.
Shrinkage Limit (Ws): It is the moisture content
after which further loss of moisture does
not cause a decrease in the volume of the soil.
limit is lowest water content at which a
soil can still be completely saturated. At
shrinkage limit the shrinkage ceases.
Shrinkage Ratio :
Volume change expressed in terms of percentage
of dry volume to the corresponding change
in moisture content.
>>Note: Shrinkage
ratio of a soil is equal to the mass specific
gravity of its dry state. (Gm.)
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