Monday 3 December 2018


It is the property of the soil which allows passage of fluid through it

Permeable soil: When a soil has continuous voids.
Example: Gravel , sand 
  • A soil is said to be highly permeable when K> 10-1 cm/sec.
  • Soil is said to be impermeable when K< 10-cm/sec.
  • Example: stiff clay

Darcy’s law: For flow through soils
V=ki or Q=k.i.A.
  • V = discharge velocity of flow = Q/A = Discharge /Area
  • i = hydraulic gradient = AhIL = loss of head per seepage length
  • A = perpendicular cross sectional area
  • “V” is called discharge velocity or superficial or fictitious velocity
  • k = Coefficient of permeability--cm/sec or mm/sec
  • When i= 1 ,V=k
  • :. k is velocity of flow under unit hydraulic gradient

Validity of Darcy’s law:
  • For laminar flow conditions only
  • Generally, laminar flow will prevail in clays, silts and fine sands.
  • Flow will be laminar as long as Reynolds number <1, when Re is calculated considering characteristic length as the average particle diameter.

Seepage velocity(V) or actual or true velocity:
  • Vs = Discharge/Area of voids
  • Vs = V/n = Discharge velocity/porosity
  • Vs is always greater than V.

Coefficient of percolation(kp):
  • Vs ∝ i   Vs =k.i
  • kp= coefficient of percolation = k/n
  • ∴ kp >k

  • Ds = effective grain size  = D10
  • yw= unit weight of percolating liquid
  • e = void ratio 
  • C = shape constant depends upon type of soil, shape of soil particle and packing. 
  • u= viscosity of percolating fluid “

Factors affecting k:
  1. Size of particle : k  ∝  D102.
  2. Shape of particle : For same void ratio, the soils with angular particle are less permeable than those with rounded particles, k is inversely proportional to specific surface area
  3. Void ratio: k ∝ e3/1+ e                                                                                        >>Paradoxically, the soils with largest void ratio (clays) have less permeability.
  4. Properties of percolating fluid: k = y
    Viscosity changes drastically with 
    k is reported at standard temperature of 
    27°C as per Indian Standards.                                                           

  • kt = permeability at temperature of t°C when viscosity is ut
  • k27 = permeability at temperature 27°C when viscosity is u27 permeability increases with an increase in temperature due to reduction of the viscosity.

Degree of saturation : Permeability of partially saturated soil is considerably smaller than that of a fully saturated soil dueto presence of air.

>>Adsorbed water: Adsorbed water or diffuse double layer decreases permeability

Determination of permeability : by using permeameter.
Constant head test:
  • Suitable for coarse grained soils like Gravel, sand with k> 10-1 cm/sec
  • head is kept constant and the discharge is measured, knowing the head causing flow, the hydraulic gradient ìs calculated. The “k” is determined using the formula,

Variable head test:
  • For fine sands and silts with k = 10-2 to 10-4 cm/sec.
  • Discharge is not required to be measured.
  • k is calculated using the formula 

Where, a = area of stand pipe
L = length of soil specimen
a = cross sectional area of soil specimen
t2-t1 = time interval in which head drops from h1 to h2.

Consolidation test data: Suitable for clays with k < 10-6 cm/sec
Capillary-permeability test:
  • Suitable to find k of partially saturated soil.
  • Capillarity and permeability both can be found.

Pumping out test:
  • Most accurate among all tests, since large area surrounding the well is influenced.
  • Used for large engineering projects.
  • It is expensive

Pumping ¡n test:
  • Commonly used for testing rocks and individual stratum.
  • Example: Open-end test, Packer test(for rocks)

Permeability of stratified soil deposits:
(a) Flow parallel to planes of stratification
  • Loss of head or hydraulic gradient is same for all layers.
  • Total discharge, Q = q1 + q2 + q3

(b) Average permeability for perpendicular to flow, kv.
kh is always greater than kv

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