Friday 28 December 2018

Shear Force and Bending Moment

>>Types of supports:
Movable Hinged support (or) Simple support (or) Roller support:
Support ‘B’ of the fig. Shown

  • No bending moment
  • Free to rotate
  • Horizontal Displacement possible
  • Only vertical reaction or reaction plane of rolling
  • Number of independent reaction  components 1
Immovable hinged support:
Support ‘A’ of the fig. Shown.

  • Free to rotate — No translation
  • No bending moment
  • Number  of independent reaction 2
Fixed support:
Support ‘C’ of the fig. Shown.
  • Neither rotation nor translation
  • Vertical and horizontal reactions and B.M.
  • Number of independent reaction  components 3
>> Shear force (F): Algebraic sum of all transverse forces either to the left or right hand side of a section
Bending moment (M):  Algebraic Sum of moments of all transverse forces either to the left or right of a section.

>> Relation between load, S.F. and B.M. :

For maximum B .M., dM/dx = 0

  • Rate of change of S.F. (and hence slope of S.F.D.) is equal to intensity of loading
  • The rate of change of B.M (and hence slope of B.M.D) is equal to shear force.
  • The change of B.M. from ‘O’ to ‘x’ is proportional to the area of S.F.D. from ‘O’ to ‘X’
  • B.M is maximum; when S.F., is zero or changes sign
  •  Point of contraflexure
  • Point where B.M. changes sign and is equal to zero.
>> Variation of S.F and B.M for different loading on spans of beams:
>> Inclined loading : If the external load is not at right angles to the axis of the beam, the loading can be resolved axially and transversely to the beam

Transverse: Components (sinØ) produces B.M. and S.F.
Axial: Component (cosØ) produces pull or push

>> Horizontal thrust diagram:

Diagram showing the variation of axial Thrust over a span

>> Internal hinge: Bending moment is zero
>> Link: Only vertical force. Can not resist horizontal force ‘H’ and B.M.

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