Monday 31 December 2018


>>Torsion: If moment is applied in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the beam (or) shaft, it will be subjected to Torsion

  • Shaft Transmitting Torque or power.
  • L beams
  • Portico beams
  • Curved beams
  • Closed coiled springs.

>>Torsion Formula:
T = Torque applied
θ = Twist of cross section
τs = Maximum shear stress due to torsion
R = Radius of shaft
L = Length of shaft
J = Polar moment of inertia

  • Plane normal sections of shaft remain plane after twisting.
  • Torsion is uniform along the shaft
  • Material of the shaft is homogeneous, and isotropic.
  • Radii remain straight after torsion.
  • Stress is proportional to strain i.e., all the stresses are with in elastic limit.
  • The stress setup at any point in a cross section is one of pure shear or simple shear.
  • The longitudinal axis is neutral axis.
  • The shear stress will vary linearly from zero at the centre to maximum at the outer surface  (any point on periphery)

>>Torsional Section Modulus:
Zp = J/R = Polar Moment of Inertia/ Radius of shaft

As the value of Torsional modulus increases. the Torsional strength increases. For Ex: A hollow circular shaft compared to that of a solid shaft of same area, will have more Torsional strength.

For a solid circular shaft,

For a hollow circular shaft,

D= Outer diameter
D2 = Inner diameter.

Torsional Rigidity:
CJ Unit : kg. cm2 or Nmm2
The torsional which produces unit twist per unit length.

Angle of Twist: θ = TL/CJ

>>Power Transmitted by a Shaft: In SI system: Power (P) is measured in watts (W)

>>Design of Shaft: To be safe against maximum permissible shear stress.
Diameter of shaft,

>>Composite Shafts : When two dissimilar shafts are connected together to form one shaft
the shaft is known as composite shaft.

Shafts in Series : If the driving torque applied at one end, and the resisting torque the other end, the shafts are said to have be connected in series.
For such shaft,
  • both the parts carry some Torque i.e., T1 = T2
  • Total angle of twist at fixed and is sum of separate angles of twist of two shafts.

Shaft in Parallel: If the Torque ‘T’ is applied at the junction of two shafts and resisting Torque at their remote ends, the shafts are said to be connected in parallel.
For such a case,

>>Combined bending and Torsion:
  • Let a shaft be subjected to a bending moment of ‘M’ and twisting moment ‘T’ at a section.
  • Equivalent Torque : It is the twisting moment, which acting along produce the maximum shear stress due to combined bending and Torsion.
  • Equivalent Bending Moment : The bending moment to produce the maximum bending stress equal to greater principle stress
>>Comparison of Hollow and Solid Shafts:
  • When the areas of solid and hollow sections are equal,
  • when radius of solid shaft is equal to external radius of hollow shaft,
  • The ratio of the weight of a hollow shaft and solid shaft of equally strong is
>>Strain energy due to torsion: 

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