Saturday 23 February 2019

Chain Survey

Chain Survey is  a methods of making linear measurements.

Direct Measurement: Distance is actually measured in the field using “Chain or tape’

Approximate Methods: Used in reconnaissance survey are pacing, passometer, pedometer, odometer, measuring wheel and speedometer (speed and distance).

Chaining is the most accurate method of making direct measurements.
Chain Survey:
  • It is the simplest and oldest form of land surveying of an area using linear measurements only.
  • It can be defined as the process of taking direct measurement, although not necessarily with a chain.

Types of equipment used in Chain Surveying:

Chain: This is an instrument used for measuring distance. There are four types of chains.
  1. Metric chain: In metric system the chains are of 20 m and 30 m are commonly used. The chain is made with galvanized steel wire of 4mm diameter. Each meter is divided into 5 links of 20mm length. It is provided with brass handles on either ends. The tallies are fixed at every 5m length and small brass rings are provided at every meter length.   20 m Chain - 100 Links,   30 m Chain - 150 links
  2. Engineer’s chain: The Engineer’s chain is 100 ft length and made of 100 links.
  3.  Gunter chain: It is 66 feet long and has 100 links. It is useful for measuring the distance in miles and areas in acres.                                                                             10 square Gunter chain = 1 acre = 4840 sq. yards. 
  4. Revenue chain: This chain is of 33ft length and is divided into 16 links.
Tape: The tapes are divided according to the materials used as following (i) Metallic tapes (ii) Steel tapes (iii) Invar tapes
  1. Metallic tapes: This tape is made with waterproof linen with brass, copper wires to avoid stretching. The tapes available in lengths 2, 5, 10, 20 and 30m.
  2. Steel tapes: This is most accurate tape for taking measurements. If carelessly handled it gets broken.
  3. Invar tapes: If the measurements are to be made with the highest precision this tape is used. These are 6mm wide and available in lengths of 30, 50 and 100m.Invar tape is made of alloy of nikel 36% & steel 64%. It has low coefficent of thermal expension ( 1/ 10th of steel)  
Ranging rods: These are wooden or metal poles 2m or 3m long and having a diameter of 30mm. They are provided with iron shoes at the lower ends to facilitate easy driving in the ground. They are painted in bands alternatively in black and white or red and white. Ranging rods used for ranging a line.
Offset rods: This is mainly used to measure offsets of shorter lengths. It is usually 5m long.
Cross staff: Cross staff is an instrument used for setting perpendicular offsets. These are three types.
  1. Open cross staff: It consists of 4 metal arms at right angles to each other having eye vane at two adjacent ends and object vane at the other ends. @90°
  2. Adjustable cross staff: With this cross staff the object can be set at any angle.@ 15° interval.
  3. French cross staff: This cross-staff is an octagonal brass tube with slits on its eight faces. With this cross staff we can set the object at an angle of 450 also. @ 45° & 90° 

Optical Square: This is an instrument used for setting out right angles to the chain lines and to find out the foot of the perpendicular on the chain line from an object. It works on the principle of reflection.
Arrows: These are used for marking the ends of a chain during the process of chaining. These are steel pins 400mm long and are pointed at one end.
Plumb bob: It is used to define the vertical line while measuring distance along slopes.

General Procedure in making a Chain Survey

  • Reconnaissance: Walk over the area to be surveyed and note the general layout, the position of features and the shape of the area.
  • Choice of Stations: Decide upon the framework to be used and drive in the station pegs to mark the stations selected.
  • Station Marking: Station marks, where possible should be tied - into a permanent object so that they may be easily replaced if moved or easily found during the survey. In soft ground, wooden pegs may be used while rails may be used on roads or hard surfaces.
  • Witnessing: This consists of making a sketch of the immediate area around the station showing existing permanent features, the position of the stations and its description and designation. Measurements are then made from at least three surrounding features to the station point and recorded on the sketch. The aim of witnessing is to relocate a station again at much later date even by others after a long interval.
  • Offsetting: Offsets are usually taken perpendicular to chain lines in order to dodge obstacles on the chain line.
  • Sketching the layout on the last page of the chain book, together with the date and the name of the surveyor, the longest line of the survey is usually taken as the baseline and is measured first.

Linear Measurements

Tape Corrections

  • Correction due to standardization or (correction due to absolute length)

where, Ca = Correction for absolute length
L = Measured length of the line
l = Designated length of the tape
C = Correction per tape length
  • Correction due to temperature

CT = Lα(Tm – T0)
where, Tm = Temp. at the time of measurement
T0 = Temp. at the time of standardization of the tape
α = Coeff. of thermal expansion
L = Measured length
  • Correction for pull or tension

where, Cp = correction for pull
Pm = pull applied at the time of measurement
P0 = Pull applied at the time of standardization
L = Measured length
A = Cross-sectional area
E = Young’s modulus of tape
  • Sag Correction

where, Pm = Pull applied, W = Total weight of tap = wl
w = Weight per meter length, l = length of tape
Case: Normal Tension
At a particular value of pull (where Pm > P0) pull correction and sag correction neutralize each other. This value is called normal tension.

  • Correction due to slope
h = difference in elevation between the ends
L = Inclined length measured
l = Horizontal length
Cs = Correction due to sag
  •  Correction due to the wrong alignment

where, L = length measured along wrong alignment
l = Correct length
h = Error in alignment

Limiting Length of Offset

  • Effect of error in laying out direction only

where, l = Limiting length of offset
S = Scale (1 cm = S meter)

Combined error in length and direction
X = error in length measurement.
S = Scale (1 cm = S meter)
Basic definition:
  • Main survey stations : Are prominent points, at the beginning and ends of survey lines.
  • Survey lines: Lines joining main survey stations
  • Check lines : Lines run to check the accuracy of main frame work of triangles. Also called proof lines.
  • Offsets : Are the lateral distances measured from the survey lines. Perpendicular offset (or simply offsets) and oblique offset (or tie) are the two types.
  • Tie lines:  Are the Lines run to locate details to avoid long offsets. It is also called a subsidiary lines run or secondary line. it is also used as a check line.
  • Subsidiary stations : Stations located on the survey lines between which is tie lines or subsidiary lines run.
  • Base line : Is a long survey line which is run through the middle of the area to he surveyed. The frame work of triangles is built upon the base line.

Well conditioned triangles:
A triangle is said to be well conditioned if it can be plotted accurately by the intersections of arcs from the ends of base line. The best one is equilateral triangle. A triangle in which no angle is less than 30° or more than 120° can be treated as a well condition triangle.


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