Saturday 23 February 2019

Compass Survey

Definition: A branch of surveying in which directions of survey lines are determined with a  compass and lengths of lines arc measured with a tape or chain. Generally used to run a traverse.

Types of Meridians:
Meridian : Fixed line of reference about which directions or angles arc measured.
  • True Meridian: line joining,true  north and true south. Established by Astronomical observations .
  • Magnetic meridian: Direction shown by a  freely floating and balanced magnetic needle free from all other attractive forces (Line passing through magnetic north and south). Established by magnetic compass.
  • Grid meridian: For survey of a state, the true meridian of central place is taken as a reference meridian for. whole state and is called Grid meridian.
  • Arbitrary meridian : Meridian taken in any convenient direction towards a permanent and prominent mark or signal.

Used to determine relative  direction of various lines in a small traverse or small area. 

Types of Bearings: Bearing of a line is the angle between a meridian and a survey line
  • True Bearing : True bearing of a line is horizontal angle between true meridian and the line. Also known as Azimuth. Does not change with time, it is a constant.
  • Magnetic beating: Magnetic beating of a line is the horizontal angle which the line makes with magnetic north. Changes with time. Used for small areas. Measured with a magnetic compass.
  • Grid bearing: Grid bearing of a line is the horizontal angle with Grid meridian.
  • Arbitrary bearing : Arbitrary bearing of line is the horizontal angle with “Arbitrary meridian”.

Systems of Bearings:

Whole circle Bearing system (WCB):

  • Bearing of line OA = θ1 ;OB = θ2 ; OC = θ3 ;OD = θ4
  • Bearing of a line is measured always in clockwise from North end of reference.
  • Bearing varies from 0° to 360°
  • Prismatic compass is graduated in this system.
  • Also called "Azimuthal system"
 Quadral Bearing(QB) system:
  • Bearing   OA = NθE, OB = SαE, OC = SγW, OD = Nν W
  • Bearing of a line is measured eastward or westward from North or South, which ever is nearer.
  • Varies from 0° to 90°.
  • Observed by surveyors compass
  • Also called “Reduced bearings”.
Conversion of bearings from one system to other: very easy with the aid of a diagratm
  •  Conversion of  W.C.B. Into R.B

Rule for R.B or Q.B
0° & 90°
90° & 180°
S ( 180°-ϴ ) E
180° & 270°
S (ϴ - 180°) W
270° & 360°
N( 360°-ϴ)
  •  Conversion of R.B into W.C.B
WCB Between ()
Rule for R.B or Q.B
Note: When a line points towards North, East, South or West, it Is written as “Due North”, “Due
east”,"Due South” or “Due West” respectively.

Thus, N0° = Due North; N 90°E = S90°E=Due east
S0° = Due South; N90° W = S90°W =Due West

Fore bearing and backing hearing:
  • The bearing of a line ¡n the direction of progress of survey indicated by an arrow is called fore. bearing (F.B).
  • The bearing in an opposite direction to F.B or in the direction opposite to the survey is Back bearing (B.B) 

Determination of B.B for F.B:
  1. F.B and B.B differ by 180°

  • If F.B is given as W.C.B:    B.B = F.B + 180° if F.B < 180° and B.B = F.B- 180° if F.B > 180°
  •  If F.B of a line is given as quadrantal bearing: B.B is numerically equal to F.B change ‘N’ for ‘S’ and vice versa. Change ‘E’ for ‘W’ and vice versa.

Important Note: Always better to draw rough sketch either for conversion of one system to
another or for working out B.B from F.B or vice versa.

Included ‘angle between bearings:

Can be calculated ‘very easily using a diagram

Whole circle bearings are given:
  • Bearings of two lines measured from a common point. Included angle θ = θ2θ1 two lines from
  • Bearing of two lines not measured from a common point.

             = B.B of previous line - F.B of next line
             =(180+ θ1)-θ2

Quadrantal bearings of two lines are given:
  • Measured from a common point:

Calculation of bearings from Angles:
  • Bearing of any one line (generally, the first line) is also required along with included angles.
  • In a closed traverse, clock wise angles will be the interior angles if the traverse is run in the anti-clockwise direction.
  • Bearing of any line = Bearing of preceding line + Included angle.
  • If the sum is more than 180° deduct 180°. if the sum is less than 180° add 180°
Magnetic compass: 
It gives directly the magnetic bearings
Dip: is the inclination of the magnetic needle with the horizontal.
  • Northern end is ,deflected down in the ‘Northern hemisphere” while the southern end is deflected down in the “Southern; hemisphere” 
  • The dip is zero at equator and needle will remain horizontal.
  • At a place near 70° North latitude and 96° West longitude, dip will he 90° This area is called north magnetic pole.
  • Similarly near south magnetic pole, dip is 90°
Magnetic declination:---  (True bearing — magnetic bearing)
  • Isogonic line is the line drawn through points  of same declination.
  • Agonic line  is the line made up of points having a zero declination.
  • If the magnetic meridian is to the right side (or eastern  side) of the true meridian, declination is Eastern or positive.
  • If is  to the left side (or western side), it is said to  be western or negative.
  • Magnetic declination at a place is not constant but varies from time to time.

Duirnal variation :-
  • Variation ¡n a day
  • More during day time and less during night time.
  • More at magnetic  poles and less at equator.
  • Considerably more in Summer  than in winter.
  • Changes from year  to year.

Annual Varition: variation over a period of an year

Secular variation: variation over a period approximately 250 years.

Irregular variations : are due to magnetic storms, earthquakes and solar influences etc. 

Determination of true bearing
True bearing = magnetic bearing ± declination
+ sign for eastward declination
- Sign for westward declination. (WCB)
If Reduced bearing is given , it is advisable to draw diagram and calculate bearing.

Local Attraction
  • If BB- FB ≠ 180
  • The local attraction is due to influence of magnetic materials like heavy steel or nickel objects , electric poles, transmission lines etc.
  • The local attraction due to key chains, steel buttons, steel pens should be ignored

Adjustments of Prismatic Compass :
Temporary adjustments : are those made at every set up of the instrument. They are
  1. Centering: Process of keeping the instrument exactly over the station. Done by adjusting legs of tripod and using plumb bob. 
  2. Levelling : Generally, tripod is provided with ball and socket arrangement with the help of which leveling is done.
  3. Focusing the prism: Prism is moved up or down ¡n its  slice till the graduations in the ring are seen clear.

Permanent adjustments: Done when, the fundamental relations between parts  are disturbed.

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