Tuesday 18 December 2018

Sludge Digestion

  • Sludge with drawn from the sedimentation tank must be decomposed in a sludge digestion process.
  • Decomposing: In the decomposition process, 40 to 60% of organic solids are converted by bacteria into CO2 , CH4

Sludge digestion process: Sludge gets broken up Into three following forms:
  • Digested Sludge : Stable humans like solid matter with tary black in colour free of pathogenic bacteria may contain cysts, eggs of bacteria etc.

Vol = 1/3 vol. of undigested sludge Dried up and used as a fertilizer
  • Supernatant liquor: Finely divided solid matter and liquid with BOD about 3000ppm Retreated in treatment plant along with raw sewage
  • Gases of decomposition:Methane (65 to 70%)  Co2(30%), other gases like nitrogen, H2S are evolved methane gas is produced .

Stages of decomposition :
  1. Acid fermentation
  2. Acid regression
  3. Alkaline fermentation .

Acid fermentation (or) Acid production stage: Acidic in nature.
Acid regression: BOD remains high during this stage
It becomes foamy and scum forms at top due to gases trapped.
Alkaline fermentation: 
  • During this stage, liquid, digested solids and gases get separated.
  • Alkaline in nature
  • BOD falls rapidly
  • Large volume of Methane gas along with small amount of other gases is evolved.

Factors affecting sludge digestion:
Rate of digestion is more at higher temperature Optimum: 
  • Period: 30 days
  • Temp: 29°C (Mesophilic bacteria will act)

pH value
Alkaline conditions must prevail (Optimum pH = 7.2 to 7.4) to encourage bacterial action.
To increase the pH. hydrated lime is added.

Seeding wish digested sludge: Proper seeding helps in balance condition.

Mixing and stirring of raw sludge with digested sludge: Bacterial enzymes present in digested sludge should be mixed thoroughly for better decomposition.

Under uncontrolled naturally condition, sludge digestion takes about 4 x 1/2 months. However if the factor are controlled, duration can be shortened. 

Sludge and its moisture content(m.c):
  • Sludge from sed.tank — 95% m.c
  • Secondary sludge from trickling filter-96 to 98% m.c
  • Secondary sludge from A.S.P —98 to 99%
  • 95% mc means 5 lit solid matter in 100 lit sludge
  • 90% means 10 lit solid matter in 100 lit sludge
  • The sludge with 90% m.c. will be half the qnty as compared to that of sludge with 95% m.c.       
  • V1 (100 - p) = V2(100 - p2)

V1 = volume of sludge at moisture content of p1%
V2 = volume of sludge at moisture contant of p2%


Detention time : Generally,30 days

Volume of sludge disaster: 

Vf = Volume of fresh sludge added/day
Vd= Volume of digested sludge added/day
T = digesting period
M = M of solids in sludge in kg/day

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