Saturday 18 May 2019

Asstt.Prof (Civil Engg.)

Q.No: 41 The process of placing a new foundation under an existing one or strengthening an existing foundation is called
A Temporary construction
B Underpinning
C Scaffolding
D Shoring

Q.No: 42 In a floating body, I = moment of inertia of water line area about the longitudinal axis, V = volume of displaced fluid, B = center of buoyancy, G= Center of Gravity and M = metacenter. For
stable equilibrium of this body, the correct condition is

Q.No: 43 A pump discharges 1000 kPa water into a 90 m long, 0.1 m diameter steel pipe at 2 m/s. The maximum elevation the water could reach if friction is neglected is most nearly

A 102 m
B 53 m
C 79 m
D 120 m

Q.No: 44 An open tank contains 8.0 m of water beneath 1.5 m of kerosene. Kerosene has a specific weight of 8.0 kN/m3. The pressure at the kerosene/water interface is most nearly
A 3.5 kPa
B 8.0 kPa
C 12 kPa
D 5.0 kPa

Q.No: 45

A 52.5 kPa
B 70 kPa
C 35 kPa
D 17.5 kPa

Q.No: 46 Lug angles are used to ________________________.
A promote use of angles
B reduce the length of the connection
C transmit load on wider area
D None of the above.

Q.No: 47 The number of independent stress components at a point in a three dimensional anisotropic body is
A Nine
B Two
C Six

D Three

Q.No: 48 A concrete sanitary sewer is 150 m long and has a pipe diameter of 1.25 m. The inlet elevation is 50.0 m, and the outlet elevation is 49.0 m. The Manning roughness coefficient,
assumed to be constant with depth of flow, is 0.012. During heavy rainfalls, the sewer pipe flows full with no surcharge. During heavy rainfalls, the capacity of the sewer is most nearly
A 3.84 m3/sec
B 4.8 m3/sec
C 5.76 m3/sec
D 2.56 m3/sec

Q.No: 49 In the limit state design of pre-stressed concrete structures, the strain distribution is assumed to be
A Parabolic and rectangular
B Parabolic
C Linear
D Non-linear

Q.No: 50 For hydro-dynamically smooth pipes the friction factor f
Where Re = Reynolds number and εs=r0 relative roughness.
A is a function of εs=ronly
B is a constant
C is a function of Re and εs=ronly
D is a function of Re only

Q.No: 51 A flow net is drawn for seepage through homogeneous, isotropic soil beneath an impermeable concrete dam as shown. Beneath the soil lies impermeable bedrock. The upstream water
level, H1, is 3.0 m above the top of the soil, and the downstream water level, H2 is 1.0 m above the top of the soil. The soil's coefficient of permeability, k, is 3 X 10-2 cm2/s.
The rate of flow per lineal meter of dam width is most nearly

A 2 x 10-1 m2/s
B 5 x 10-3 m2/s
C 2 x 10-2 m2/s
D 3 x 10-4 m2/s

Q.No: 52 A compression member is termed as column or strut if the ratio of its effective length to the least lateral dimension is
A 2
B no limit
C 1

D 3

Q.No: 53 In the system of coplanar concurrent forces shown in the Figure, if R is known force then to find the unknown force F1, all the forces are to be resolved, in the direction
A normal to the line of action of force F2
B of the force F1
C of the force F2

D of the force R

Q.No: 54 What is the following type of model called?

A an arrow (activity-on-arrow) network
B a PERT chart
C a bar (Gantt) chart
D a bubble (activity-on-node) network

Q.No: 55 Irrigation water flows at a depth of 4m in a 15m wide, concrete, rectangular open channel with a 0.5% slope. The Manning roughness coefficient for this channel is 0.015, The water
velocity is most nearly
A 10 m/s
B 8.9 m/s
C 9.8 m/s
D 7.5 m/s

Q.No: 56 A cantilever beam of length L , moment of inertia I, Young’s modulus E is subjected to a moment M at the free end. The deflection at free end of the beam is

Q.No: 57 What load combination would produce the maximum uplift on footing A shown in the figure below?
A Dead load + Live load + Wind load
B Dead load + Live load
C Dead load
D Dead load + Wind load

Q.No: 58 An impervious dam on pervious soil above an impervious rock layer has piezometric data as shown. The total pressure head above atmospheric at point A is most nearly

A 19 m
B 10 m
C 30 m
D 9 m

Q.No: 59 An undisturbed sample of clay has a wet mass of 30 kg, a dry mass of 23 kg, and a total volume of 0.014 m3 with a specific gravity of 2.05. The void ratio is
A 0.31
B 1.00
C 0.50
D 0.61

Q.No: 60 The effective width of a column strip of a flat slab is taken as
A radius of the column
B one-fourth the width of the panel
C half the width of the panel
D diameter of the column

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