Saturday 18 May 2019

Asstt.Prof (Civil Engg.)

Q.No: 1 With the same cross-sectional area and immersed in same turbulent flow, the largest total drag will be on
A a cylinder
B a streamlined body
C a sphere
D a circular disc or plate held normal to flow

Q.No: 2 A river has a continuous water flow of 10 m3/s between two bridges that are 1000 m apart. At bridge A, upstream, the river has a cross-sectional area of 150 m2, while at bridge B,
downstream, the river has a cross sectional area of 100 m2. The increase in water velocity between the two bridges is most nearly
A 0.033 m/s
B 0.067 m/s
C 0.075 m/s
D 0.130 m/s

Q.No: 3 Which of the following statements is valid for a bid bond?
A It pays for office overhead costs related to a bid.
B It represents the costs that the owner incurs if the bidder fails to enter into a contract.
C It pays for costs incurred by the bidder if the bid deadline is missed.
D It represents the costs incurred by subcontractors if a project is underbid.

Q.No: 4 Water flows at 20°C through 10 m of 8 mm inside diameter smooth glass pipe at 2.0 m/s. The friction factor for glass is 0.0180, The head loss caused by friction is most nearly
A 2.4 m
B 6.5 m
C 4.6 m

D 1.7 m

Q.No: 5 According to Prandtl mixing length theory, the turbulent shear stress τ1 =

Q.No: 6 The maximum edge distance to the nearest line of fasteners from an edge of any un-stiffened part should not exceed _______________. Take t as the thickness of the thinner outer plate

and ε is the yield stress ratio.

Q.No: 7 The area of reinforcement in either direction in slabs should not be less than _________ % of the total cross-sectional area in case high strength deformed bars are used as reinforcement.
A 1.00
B 0.15
C 0.30

D 0.12

Q.No: 8 Depth-area-duration curves of precipitation are drawn as
A maximizing envelopes through the appropriate data points
B best fit mean straight lines through the appropriate data points
C best fit mean curves through the appropriate data points

D minimizing envelopes through the appropriate data points

Q.No: 9 At the elastic limit of a copper specimen, the stress is 310 266 kPa with a 5% strain. The elastic modulus for this specimen is most nearly
A 62 GPa
B 62.05 MPa
C 620.5 MPa

D 6.2 GPa

Q.No: 10 The amount of water used for 1.0 kilogram distemper
A 0.4 liter
B 0.6 liter
C 0.2 liter

D 0.8 liter

Q.No: 11 A sample of waste water is incubated for 7 d at a temperature of 20°C. After this incubation period, the BOD is found to be 211 mg /L. Assume that the reaction rate constant is 0.14 d-1
(base e), the five-day BOD of this sample is most nearly
A 200 mg/L
B 180 mg/L
C 170 mg/L

D 110 mg/L

Q.No: 12 Slack time in PERT analysis
A is always zero for critical activities.
B can never be greater than zero.
C can never be less than zero.

D is minimum for critical events.

Q.No: 13 A sample of waste water is incubated for 7 d at a temperature of 20°C. After this incubation period, the BOD is found to be 211 mg /L. Assume that the reaction rate constant is 0.14 d-1
(base e), the ultimate BOD of this sample is most nearly
A 506.7 mg/L
B 311.2 mg/L
C 225.5 mg/L

D 337.8 mg/L

Q.No: 14 The yield point of the material is most nearly

A 34 Pa
B 26 Pa
C 40 Pa
D 17 Pa

Q.No: 15 A reservoir with a water surface level at an elevation of 200 m drains through a 1.0 m diameter pipe with the outlet at an elevation of 180 m. The pipe outlet discharges to atmospheric
pressure. The total head losses in the pipe and fittings are 18 m. If flow is steady and incompressible, the flow rate out of the pipe outlet is most nearly
A 4.9 m3/sec
B 39 m3/sec
C 31 m3/sec

D 6.3 m3/sec

Q.No: 16 In the case of a pile foundation, negative skin friction may occur at a load which is
A imposed equal to the designed load
B imposed lower than the designed load
C imposed higher than the designed load
D imposed of any magnitude

Q.No: 17 The detention period adopted for sewage secondary sedimentation tanks is most nearly of the order of:
A 1 – 2 hours
B 8 – 16 hours
C 24 – 36 hours.
D 4 – 8 hours

Q.No: 18 Txy = Tyx   is always valid in the case of
A Only when shear strain is small
B When axial stress having equal values
C Plane stress condition
D Equilibrium condition

Q.No: 19 Most frequently. water hardness is caused by ions of calcium and
A Iron
B magnesium
C manganese

D sodium

Q.No: 20 The specific gravity of a saturated soil sample is 2.70 with a total unit mass of 2400 kg/m3. The dry unit mass (or dry density) is most nearly
A 2225 kg/m3
B 1670 kg/m3
C 470 kg/m3
D 2500 kg/m3

< 1     2    3   4    5

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